jpegexifrot – Batch Rotate Your Digital Photos *FREE*

Do you find it irritating how many programs ignore the orientation EXIF tags in your photos? The photo viewer built into Windows, as well as my Panasonic TV both display photos using horizontal rotation, unless you rotate them one by one. This can be a tedious, time-wasting procedure when you shoot hundreds of photos. I wrote a Windows program, called jpegexifrot, to automatically read the orientation EXIF tags in your digital photos, and then rotate the JPG files automatically. Note that this will only work if your camera actually records the orientation EXIF tags into your files. I’ve tested it on the following cameras: Apple iPhone, Canon EOS 300D, 350D, 10D, Nikon D90, Panasonic TZ1. It runs on all flavors of Microsoft Windows.  jpegexifrot rotates your photos lossessly by using jpegtran, so it won’t degrade your images.

To use jpegexifrot, download and unzip it somewhere on your computer. Make sure that jpegexifrot.exe and jpegtran.exe are located in the same directory. Next, just drag and drop a directory on top of jpegexifrot.exe, and let it do its job. Note that you can’t drag individual files.. only whole directories. Don’t worry if you’ve already run jpegexifrot on some of the files before… it will ignore the files that it has already rotated.

If you prefer to use a command line, type:

jpegexifrot directory

where directory is the full path of the folder containing your photos.

Note that jpegexifrot is free for personal use. You may distribute it freely, as long as you don’t charge any money, or bundle it with any commercial software.


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