After using Sn0wBreeze 2.6 to update my iPhone from iOS 4.0.2 to 4.3.2, my GSM signal strength meter completely stopped working. No matter how strong my cellular signal was, it would display no signal bars. I suspected that the problem was that Sn0wbreeze preserved my 01.59.00 baseband from iOS 4.0.2, and that the old baseband was somehow incompatible with the signal strength meter in iOS 4.3.2. I googled around, and sure enough, lots of people experiencing broken signal strength meters when using older basebands with iOS 4.3.x. Fortunately, there’s an easy fix. Installing djayb6‘s version of ultrasn0w fixer restores the functionality of the signal strength meter. Hackstor has detailed instructions for installing ultrasn0w fixer via Cydia. I’m not sure if the unlock works, because I don’t have another carrier’s SIM card to try, but I’m happy that I’m my signal strength meter is working again with my iOS 4.3.2/baseband 01.59.00 combination.